Robust Design Review

To promote the application of Robust Deisgn in Industry focusing on Taguchi mehtods, the philosophy and organizational issue of Robust Design Deployment

Monday, May 29, 2006

Robust Design in economics

Recently a paper about using robust design ideas in strategic planning and economics has appreared in Management Science Journal. It is interesting that how to deal variation in the macro economics level has attracted attention from economist as well.

A General, Analytic Method for Generating Robust Strategies and Narrative Scenarios
Robert J Lempert, David G Groves, Steven W Popper, Steve C Bankes. Management Science. Linthicum: Apr 2006.Vol.52, Iss. 4; pg. 514, 15 pgs

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Juran's reason for training failures

Juran has identified some of the most common reasons why quality training programs fail. These are also true for any training program attempting to train employees for Robust Design:
1. Cultural resistance by Line managers
2. Doubt as to the usefulness of the training
3. Lack of participation by line managers
4. Techniques versus problem orientation
5. Inadequecies of leaders
6. Mixing of levels of participants
7. Lack of application during the course
8. Language too complex
9. Lack of participation by the training function
10. Operational and logistical deficiencies

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