Robust Design Review
To promote the application of Robust Deisgn in Industry focusing on Taguchi mehtods, the philosophy and organizational issue of Robust Design Deployment
Monday, April 24, 2006
EU Robust
There is a group of EU universities and companies participating in a program called EU Robust. Recently they have published interesting industrial case studies.
Robust Design References
A list of the relevant litrature to RObust Design and Taguchi Mehtods:
Andersson Peder (1996). A Process Approach to Robust Design in Early Engineering Design Phases, Department of Machine Design, Lund Institute of Technology
Arvidsson, M., Gremyr, I. and Johansson, P. (2003). Use and Knowledge of Robust Design Methodology: A Survey of Swedish Industry. Journal of Engineering Design. Vol. 14, No 2, pp 129-143.
Arvidsson, M. (2003). Robust Design Experimentation and Dispersion Effects. Chalmers University of Technology – Department of Quality Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bergman, B., Gremyr, I. and Kroslid, D. (2004). Designing the Design for Six Sigma Process., 2004-10-22
Box, George E.P. (1988). Signal-to-Noise Ratios, Performance Criteria, and Transformation. Technometrics, Vol. 30, No 1, pp 1-40.
Box, George E.P. (1999). Statistics as a Catalyst to Learning by Scientific Method Part II – A Discussion. Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 31, No 1, pp. 16-29.
Creveling, Clyde M., Slutsky, J.L. and Antis, Jt. D. (2003). Design for Six Sigma in Technology and Product Development, Prentice Hall PTR
Dehnad, Khosrow (1988). Quality Control, Robust Design, and the Taguchi Method, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
Dunsmore, W. G Pitts. S M Lewis. C J Sexton. C P Please. and P J Carden (1997), Developing methodologies for robust mechanical engineering design, Proceeding of IMechE conference 1997
Fowlkes, Willam Y. and Creveling, Clyde M. (1995). Engineering Methods for Robust Design: Using Taguchi Methods in Technology and Product Development, Addison-Wesley
Goh, TN. (1993). Taguchi Methods: Some Technical, Cultural and Pedagogical Perspectives, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 9, pp 185-202
Hasenkamp, T. and Küçüközdemir, M.A. (2003) Manageing Reliability Growth in Product Development at Volvo Truck Corporation (Master’s Thesis). Gothenburg: Chalmers University of Technology – Department of Quality Sciences.
Hynén, Anders (1996). On the Application of Experimental Design in Robust Design Engineering. Disseration No. 466, Linköping, Linköpings University – Division of Quality Technology and Management.
Kackar, R.N. (1985). Off-Line Quality Control, Parameter Design, and The Taguchi Method. Quality Control, Robust Design and the Taguchi Method, edited by Khosrow Dehnad, American Society for Quality Control.
Kackar, R.N. (1986). Taguchi’ Quality Philosophy: Analysis and Commentary, An introduction to and Interpretation of Taguchi’s Idea. Quality Control, Robust Design and the Taguchi Method, edited by Khosrow Dehnad, American Society for Quality Control.
Kenzo, Ueno and Shih-Chung, Tsai (1997). Company-Wide Implementations of Robust-Technology Development, ASME Press, USA
Lee, D.J. and Thornton A.C. (1996). The Identification and Use of Key Characteristics in The Product Development Process, Proceedings of The 1996 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference, California, August 18-22
León, R.V. and Shoemaker, A.C. (1989). Glossary of Terms Used in Robust Design. Quality Control, Robust Design and The Taguchi Method, USA, AT&T
Park, S.H. (1996). Robust Design and Analysis for Quality Engineering, Chapman & Hall
Peace G., Stuart (1993). Taguchi Methods, Addison Wesley
Phadke, M.S. (1989). Quality Engineering Using Robust Design, Prentice Hall
Roy, R.K. (1990). A Primer on the Taguchi Method. Van Nostrand Reinhold
Saitoh, K., Yoshizawa, M., Tatebayashi, K., Doi, M. (2003a). A study about how to implement quality engineering in research and development (Part 1). Journal of Quality Engineering Society 11: 100-107.
Saitoh, K., Yoshizawa, M., Tatebayashi, K., Doi, M. (2003b). A study about how to implement quality engineering in research and development (Part 2). Journal of Quality Engineering Society 11: 64-69.
Sii, HS, Ruxton, T, Wang, J (2001). Taguchi concepts and their applications in marine and offshore safety studies, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 331-358
Taguchi, G. and Phadke, M.S. (1984). Quality Engineering Through Design Optimization. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM ´84, Atlanta, GA, pp. 1106-1113
Taguchi, G. (1993). Taguchi on Robust Technology Developmet – Bringing Quality Engineering Upstream. New York, ASME Press.
Taguchi, G., Chowdhury S. and Taguchi, S. (2000). Robust Engineering. McGrawHill
Taguchi, G., Chowdhury S. and Wu, Y. (2005). Taguchi’s Quality Engineering Handbook. Wiley, USA.
Thornton, A.C. , Donnelly, S. and Ertan, B. (2000). More than Just Robust Design: Why Product Development Organizations Still Contend with Variation and its Impact on Quality, Research in Engineering Design. Vol.12, pp. 127-143
Thornton C. Anna (2004). Variation Risk Management: Focusing Quality Improvements in Product Development and Production. John Wiley & Son, New Jersey, USA
Andersson Peder (1996). A Process Approach to Robust Design in Early Engineering Design Phases, Department of Machine Design, Lund Institute of Technology
Arvidsson, M., Gremyr, I. and Johansson, P. (2003). Use and Knowledge of Robust Design Methodology: A Survey of Swedish Industry. Journal of Engineering Design. Vol. 14, No 2, pp 129-143.
Arvidsson, M. (2003). Robust Design Experimentation and Dispersion Effects. Chalmers University of Technology – Department of Quality Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bergman, B., Gremyr, I. and Kroslid, D. (2004). Designing the Design for Six Sigma Process., 2004-10-22
Box, George E.P. (1988). Signal-to-Noise Ratios, Performance Criteria, and Transformation. Technometrics, Vol. 30, No 1, pp 1-40.
Box, George E.P. (1999). Statistics as a Catalyst to Learning by Scientific Method Part II – A Discussion. Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 31, No 1, pp. 16-29.
Creveling, Clyde M., Slutsky, J.L. and Antis, Jt. D. (2003). Design for Six Sigma in Technology and Product Development, Prentice Hall PTR
Dehnad, Khosrow (1988). Quality Control, Robust Design, and the Taguchi Method, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
Dunsmore, W. G Pitts. S M Lewis. C J Sexton. C P Please. and P J Carden (1997), Developing methodologies for robust mechanical engineering design, Proceeding of IMechE conference 1997
Fowlkes, Willam Y. and Creveling, Clyde M. (1995). Engineering Methods for Robust Design: Using Taguchi Methods in Technology and Product Development, Addison-Wesley
Goh, TN. (1993). Taguchi Methods: Some Technical, Cultural and Pedagogical Perspectives, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 9, pp 185-202
Hasenkamp, T. and Küçüközdemir, M.A. (2003) Manageing Reliability Growth in Product Development at Volvo Truck Corporation (Master’s Thesis). Gothenburg: Chalmers University of Technology – Department of Quality Sciences.
Hynén, Anders (1996). On the Application of Experimental Design in Robust Design Engineering. Disseration No. 466, Linköping, Linköpings University – Division of Quality Technology and Management.
Kackar, R.N. (1985). Off-Line Quality Control, Parameter Design, and The Taguchi Method. Quality Control, Robust Design and the Taguchi Method, edited by Khosrow Dehnad, American Society for Quality Control.
Kackar, R.N. (1986). Taguchi’ Quality Philosophy: Analysis and Commentary, An introduction to and Interpretation of Taguchi’s Idea. Quality Control, Robust Design and the Taguchi Method, edited by Khosrow Dehnad, American Society for Quality Control.
Kenzo, Ueno and Shih-Chung, Tsai (1997). Company-Wide Implementations of Robust-Technology Development, ASME Press, USA
Lee, D.J. and Thornton A.C. (1996). The Identification and Use of Key Characteristics in The Product Development Process, Proceedings of The 1996 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference, California, August 18-22
León, R.V. and Shoemaker, A.C. (1989). Glossary of Terms Used in Robust Design. Quality Control, Robust Design and The Taguchi Method, USA, AT&T
Park, S.H. (1996). Robust Design and Analysis for Quality Engineering, Chapman & Hall
Peace G., Stuart (1993). Taguchi Methods, Addison Wesley
Phadke, M.S. (1989). Quality Engineering Using Robust Design, Prentice Hall
Roy, R.K. (1990). A Primer on the Taguchi Method. Van Nostrand Reinhold
Saitoh, K., Yoshizawa, M., Tatebayashi, K., Doi, M. (2003a). A study about how to implement quality engineering in research and development (Part 1). Journal of Quality Engineering Society 11: 100-107.
Saitoh, K., Yoshizawa, M., Tatebayashi, K., Doi, M. (2003b). A study about how to implement quality engineering in research and development (Part 2). Journal of Quality Engineering Society 11: 64-69.
Sii, HS, Ruxton, T, Wang, J (2001). Taguchi concepts and their applications in marine and offshore safety studies, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 331-358
Taguchi, G. and Phadke, M.S. (1984). Quality Engineering Through Design Optimization. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM ´84, Atlanta, GA, pp. 1106-1113
Taguchi, G. (1993). Taguchi on Robust Technology Developmet – Bringing Quality Engineering Upstream. New York, ASME Press.
Taguchi, G., Chowdhury S. and Taguchi, S. (2000). Robust Engineering. McGrawHill
Taguchi, G., Chowdhury S. and Wu, Y. (2005). Taguchi’s Quality Engineering Handbook. Wiley, USA.
Thornton, A.C. , Donnelly, S. and Ertan, B. (2000). More than Just Robust Design: Why Product Development Organizations Still Contend with Variation and its Impact on Quality, Research in Engineering Design. Vol.12, pp. 127-143
Thornton C. Anna (2004). Variation Risk Management: Focusing Quality Improvements in Product Development and Production. John Wiley & Son, New Jersey, USA
Sunday, April 23, 2006
My paper
You can find my paper on the implementation of Robust Design published in the proceeding of 35th International Conference of Computers and Industrial Engineering at Proceedings/PDF/099.pdf Proceedings/PDF/099.pdf
Taguchi's Handbook
You may have probably found the recent book of Taguchi :
Taguchi, G., S. Chowdhury, et al. (2005). Taguchi's quality engineering handbook. Hoboken, N.J.
Livonia, Mich., John Wiley
It is a good referecne. With a comprehensive opening chapters about the philosophy of Robust Design and huge number of case studies.